Sunday, April 5, 2009

There are worse things...

Disclaimer: As many know I have a tendency to exaggerate, but please note; all statement that follow are TRUE in their entirety. As weird and hard to believe as they may seem, yes folks my husband IS this crazy.

We are at T minus 3 hours before we depart for the wild and crazy adventure, and I thought it would be a good idea to let you all in on my big secret. Mike is certifiably insane about the Masters (ok, not such a big secret). I will attempt in a brief but well documented way to describe the last week to all of you, mostly for laughs but maybe a little bit for your sympathy. At Mike’s parents’ house Friday Karen looked at me several times and just said “Mandy, I am sorry,” that is a pretty good description of what I am going through.
“HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY, um, um, what hole do you want to go to first, huh, huh, which one, Amen Corner, I bet it is Amen Corner.” This all said with an attempt to sound genuine, because we all know it doesn’t matter what hole I want to see first, and I am ok with that. I have had to remind myself many times this week that I created this “Masters Monster” on more levels than one.
The text message read something like this, “This is better than any Christmas, EVER”! This was followed later that day with “falling asleep is harder than it ever was at Christmas.” The next morning brought a very interesting story about Mike’s method for not thinking about the Masters so he could fall asleep. “The first thing that came to my mind was Martha Stewart, so I tried to imagine her show, but before I knew it she was explaining how to properly decorate with Masters flags in your home.” “So when that didn’t work I decided to think about the Price is Right, but wouldn’t you know the item up for bid was a Masters flag.” (In case you think I am starting to exaggerate, I assure you I am not).
“I am excited to see the front nine, I don’t know much about the layout. Well, except for 1, 2, 8, and 9. Oh and #3 is a par 3 and #4 is a par 4…, so it will be fun to learn more.” This type of information has been flying around our house like poo in a monkey pin. “Did you know Jack was color blind?” “Did you know that Clifford Roberts didn’t let some guy be a member because he had too many kids?” “Did you know if you have a coke can when you go in they will ask you to pour it into a Masters cup?” Magnolia lane this and amen corner that, and autograph this. These helpful tidbits of information have only been interrupted by LOUD outbursts of squealing, laughing, jumping, wooing, wowing, and many other insanities.
What you might find amazing is that in a year my husband finished maybe one book along with a slew of other half read books. But in a period of one short month he has read 3 and half books about the Masters. You might also like to know that a tight wad every other week of the year, there is no mention of budget when it comes to the Masters tournament and memorabilia. My husband who can be a bit shy when it comes to meeting new people had no problems calling a complete stranger to talk Masters (he is also a Masters freak and was helping Mike learn the ropes.) Let’s just say when you are passionate about something it can change your perspective.
So all this probably comes as no surprise to you, but what you may not know is that I am excited too. This is mostly because I just love seeing my husband like this, but also because I am ready for some fun in my life. I can’t describe to you what this experience has been like so far and I can’t wait to experience what is in store for us this week. So if there is one thing I can say it would be that there are far worse things my husband could be obsessed with.
(This has been edited by the Masters Monster…..oh and Mandy Amen Corner should be capitalized and Masters does not have an apostrophe!)

1 comment:

Craig said...

HA! This whole post made me crack up! Hope you guys have fun! I can't wait to hang out this summer!