Thursday, September 4, 2008

Road Trip to New Jersey: Day 2

Well we had another successful day of driving. We started out at Craig's mom's house in Spokane and left around 4:45am. We knew that we were planning on going to Mount Rushmore by the end of the day which was going to be a tough task. The driving was pretty good except for Montana. I'm not sure I like Montana much and don't ever plan on visiting. I guess the only place I might go in Montana is Glacier up near the Canadian border.
I do have to mention that Craig and I had to stop for gas in Montana and we just happened to stop at what is called the "Testicle Festival." We were very dissapointed to find out that it occurs in mid September. We took a few pictures and were back on the road.

We finally made it to Mount Rushmore about 9pm and had the whole place to our self as the last tour had finished up. It was a very peaceful place and I had know idea what was going on back in Washington. While Craig and I were marveling at the awesome artwork of stone, my Grandpa Verne breathed his last breathe. I really feel that God placed Craig and I at Mount Rushmore at that very moment because the last time I was at Mount Rushmore was with my grandparents on a roadtrip with my brother. While admiring Mount Rushmore I couldn't help but think of our trip and all of the good memories. My grandfather was a wonderful man and I will miss him a lot! He is up in heaven and looking down on us with no more pain. I love you Grandpa!

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