Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Move or no move?

Mandy and I are tinkering with the idea of moving further north in West Seattle. Are we crazy? It would only be a few miles more north. Sometimes Mandy gets these crazy ideas and I never know whether it's something she's completely serious about or if it's just her need for change. I've definitely learned in my three years of marriage that Mandy loves change. I'm not at all saying it's a bad thing. She has a brain that goes a mile a minute and occasionally I have to bring her back to reality. I love you Mandy! Most of the time though her ideas are great and something I would have never thought of. I'm usually pretty content with where I'm at and don't like to rock the boat. Well her latest idea of moving further north is starting to sound kind of nice. We'd be closer to some of our good friends John and Nichelle Keatley and most importantly my parents. We'd also have a shorter trip downtown and be in a nicer neighborhood (most likely).

The other idea we've had is remodeling our house a little. If you've been in our house we are thinking about tearing down the wall and pantry between our living room and kitchen which would open things up quite a bit. We'd also like to potentially add something to the front of the house. Not sure if that would be an additional room where our right driveway is or some kind of porch and additional peak in our roof at our front door. We just don't like the look of our "box" of a house.
What do you guys think?

If you haven't already done so, please go and check out my photo blog or flickr site!


Craig said...
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Craig said...

My vote is for a hot tub (not a hot tube what ever that might be!), preferably installed this summer. ASAP!

Unknown said...

I second Craig's suggestion!! And invite friends over. :)

Prostate Cancer Guy said...

Depends on the house you would buy and how much you can get for your current house. But in general, I would move north. Better neighborhoods so more value. Yet, the finances are key to the decision.