Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Is it really that hard?

I will forever live a life with a confusing last name. Both saying it and spelling it is difficult for people. I'm not sure why! I guess I've had my whole life to practice saying it and repeating it to people and correcting their spelling of it. I find it very entertaining to see how people spell it and say it. I've seen it spelled so many different ways: Feichtner, Fiebner, Siechtner, Fletcher, Flechtner, Fiechma, Feikner to name a few. Listening to people say it wrong my entire life I've started spelling it to them phonetically F-E-E-K-N-E-R. Funny thing is that FEEKNER has become many of my logins and usernames including flickr or my photo blog cause Fiechtner is too difficult for people to understand or spell.

Here's a recent funny story, the person at the drycleaners couldn't spell our name right so I handed him my driver's license to show him and now I will always be known at this dry cleaners as "Mr. Fiechma" because he just copied my driver's license number which includes the first five letters in your last name and the first initial for your first and middle names or MA for Michael Allen. I'm glad all of my dress shirts now have FIECHMA printed on them.

Having a confusing last name is a blessing and a curse. Here are just a few positives and negatives to having a unique last name. If you have a unique last name I'm sure you can relate:

1. You always knew when your name would be called during roll call at school on the first day. It would go something like this, "Ellis, Everett, Fffff........." and I would chime in "Here! It's pronounced Fiechtner (you idiot)"
2. You know when a solicitor is calling on the home phone. Solicitor: "Is Mrs. Fiechtner (mispronounced) home?" Me: "No" CLICK.
3. Easier to Google yourself
4. Easy to find Usernames on websites that work. Most of the time mfiechtner or something similar is available. You'll never see me with johnsmith26@gmail.com or something like that.
5. Easy to find family history on the internet
6. People will be more likely to remember you
7. You can get a good laugh at Safeway when they try to pronounce your name when handing you the receipt. You either get the person that will try to pronounce it, the person that looks at the receipt confused and muffles their voice attempting to pronounce it cause they have no clue or the person that just looks at the receipt and looks up and says "thanks."

1. People can't seem to find your reservation that you made. Go back to all the different spellings and try each until you find the right one.
2. Constantly having to repeat it and getting that "What the hell did you say?" look from people.
3. Mandy has to decide how to present herself in her new class. It may end up being just Mrs. F. Anyone have a suggestion?
4. Microsoft Word says that it's mispelled in all of my documents.
5. Your true friends still can't pronounce it or spell it.

Having a last name like Fiechtner has presented many challenges in my life but overall I'm happy with the name and I will be proud to pass it down to my children. I will always remind them how to say it just like my grandpa Verne would say it, with a true German accent (make sure you almost spit when saying it).

I will always love being a Fiechtner!


apriljahns said...

My name doesn't sound hard but trying getting someone to spell it correctly (jAhns instead of jOhns) is next to impossible. I've had to deal with messed up reservations (one guy didn't believe that I wasn't trying to steal Zoe Johns reservation who had the SAME address as April Jahns)! We get a lot of Johnson (Ryan is constantly addressed as Brian Johnson).
Good luck to Mandy on whatever she decides!

Unknown said...

uh.... ya... I feel ya